I love coding. Plain and simple. I love making things that people find useful and make an impact online, and I fulfill this passion by creating code and sharing it with others. Whilst I’ve been wearing many hats in my work/career environment over the recent years, my coder/developer hat is and has always been my favorite.
Over the past few years due to work, time constraints, life and other priorities, this blog along with various WordPress plugins I had written in the past have been neglected. My last post was in 2012…. yikes! Yet funnily enough, I still refer people to that post as recently as this year, so the thought that I could be writing something that’s useful to someone is certainly an inspiration to get this going again.
I also have plugins that haven’t been updated in many years, and still seem to have a following. Therefore, I’m committing to reviving some of these plugins and showing this blog some love.
First step, this site has had a much needed refresh, and I hope on improving my post frequency. In the spirit of not over-promising, we’ll keep it at that 🙂
More importantly (to me at least), I’d like to see some of my plugins that fell by the wayside get updated and keep provide value again. Every so often someone tells me they’re using one of these older plugins because it solved a problem for them, and it always warms my heart to hear that, along with a surprise that they still work! Also, most of these plugins are minute in comparison to my more popular ones, and are a refreshing change of pace.
With the intent of hitting the ground running, I’ve done a full rewrite of my first ever plugin, Meta Tag Manager, which I originally wrote sometime in 2008 and committed to the repo in early 2009. That was fun and has given me food for thought on what features I could add to it. I’m just polishing that off for release and looking forward to the feedback!
I’ll then be contemplating which plugin to revive next, but meantime I’m open to suggestions!