Posted on Feb 25, 2009 in Mail
This post is inspired by Russ Whittmann and Europheus’ solutions , with these goals/improvements in mind:
- Move spam marked by spamassassin into a special Spam folder in each account (flabergasted this isn’t standard on something like PLESK!)
- Allow for quota, which is available on some PLESK servers (I previously thought it was available on all servers until recently) .
- Make a solution with as minimal manual labour as possible outside the PLESK control panel, which relates most specifically to having to edit and create .qmail and .procmailrc files each time you change or add an email account.
- Avoid having to have a special .procmailrc file for every user, one recipe for all!
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Posted on Feb 6, 2009 in Mail
Here’s some handy tips for managing your qmail queue on a linux machine, which can be helpful for debugging:
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I managed to get a little email archiving system working which I am finding to be potentially quite useful in the future. The beauty of it is that every email going in and out the system is saved onto a google gmail account, which harnesses their power of filtering, searching and labelling!
This setup was specifically aimed at a PLESK-run box but I’m sure it would work on any box with a qmail/qmail-scanner enabled mailserver, actually any MTA with a Maildir format.
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Qmail-Scanner is a very versatile tool for linux which allows you to scan any email that passes your system with various brands of virus scanners, including the open source ClamAV. Alongside the more thorough scan and possibility to audit content, I find the archiving feature very useful.
One particularly useful bit of qmail-scanner is that you don’t need to recompile qmail for patching, which can be a mamoth task on PLESK run systems (specifically VPSes in Virtuozzo)
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