This section contains all of the WordPress plugins that I’ve developed. I’ve contributed to other plugins as well (and maybe some ‘add-ons’ for my own plugins I’m not including here), for a full list see my Profile.
Please note that due to time constraints I cannot actively support all of these plugins and can only maintain them to add features and/or fix bugs. If you require help with these plugins, please read the documentation provided on the plugin pages which are listed below, and if you have questions please ask on their relevant support forums linked from the plugin page.
Actively Maintained and Supported
Events Manager – A popular and comprehensive WordPress events plugin, There is also a premium Pro add-on for this plugin which adds loads of valuable features and Pro plugin support and also helps sponsor free support and development of all my other free plugins.
Login With AJAX – Add AJAX login and registration widgets to your site so visitors can login and register without leaving the front page!
WP FullCalendar – Enables you to display any custom post type with a visual calendar using the FullCalendar Javascript/jQuery library.
Meta Tag Manager – This plugin will allow you to easily add and manage special meta tags to all or parts your site including specific CPTs. Useful for adding things such as Yahoo and Google verification tags, or specific metadata other plugins may not have added automatically.
Disable User Gravatar – Stops WordPress from grabbing a user avatar using their registration email.
Localhost Notify – Simple developer plugin for those working off local server WordPress copies. Adds “local |” to your title if WordPress is running off a local server. Made this so I don’t forget which site I’m on when modifying my local vhosts files!
Cursor Trail – A ‘fun’ plugin that adds a trail to your cursor, can be the mouse pointer or anything else such as super-original festive snowflakes.
Planned Revival
Plugin development is great fun, but actively maintaining and supporting plugins is a hard and time-consuming job! I wrote these plugins many years ago and they’ve fallen behind over time, but every so often someone tells me they use them (and that they still work!), so I’m hoping to revive all of these over the coming months!
Twitter Goodies Widget – Uses the twitter goodies widgets API to create official twitter widgets (profiles, lists, faves and search) straight from your control panel. Same options as on
BP Expand Activity – Adds AJAX capabilities to expand shortened activity stream wire comments on BuddyPress without reloading the page. Stopped maintaining due to extensive changes to BuddyPress requiring a complete rewrite (this was made during the beta stages of BuddyPress).
Recently revived after about 5 years of inactivity (May 2016) : Disable User Gravatar, Meta Tag Manager, Localhost Notify, Cursor Trail
Deprecated Plugins
These plugins are either not relevant/useful anymore and have been deprecated, but remain up on for posterity. If you’re interested in reviving any of these, or think that it’s still useful, let me know!
Remove BuddyPress Adminbar – This plugin removes the admin bar completely from the public and admin areas of the website. Depreciated as BP offers easier way to disable this now within the core plugin.
Digg This Button – Adds the smarter digg button. Deprecated due to lack of use and it doesn’t look like they even support this button anymore.
Google Talk Widget – Google deprecated the service, therefore this plugin is justifiably deemed ‘useless’.